Works Cited and Further Readings – Language

Abercrombie, D. 1965. Studies in Phonetics and Linguistics (London, Oxford University Press).

Aristotle. 1986. De Anima (On the Soul), translated by Hugh Lawson-Tancred (London, New York, Victoria, Toronto & Auckland, Penguin Books).

Beauzée, Nicolas. 1789. Grammaire générale.

Berge, Kjell Lars & Maagerø, Eva. 2005. Semiotics from the North: Nordic approaches to systemic functional linguistics (Oslo, Novus Press).

Birch, C. 1990. On Purpose (Kensington, UNSW Press).

Butt, D. G. 1985/1989. Talking and Thinking: The patterns of behaviour (Geelong/Oxford, Deakin University Press/Oxford University Press).

Butt, D. G. 1988. “Randomness, order and the latent patterning of text,” in Functions of Style, edited by D. Birch & M. O’Toole (London, Pinter).

Butt, D. G., and M. O’Toole. 2003. “Transactions between matter and meaning: A functional theory for the science of text,” in Proceedings of the Second International Conference Studies for the Integrated Text Science, 21st Century Centre of Excellence Program International Conference Series No. 2, edited by M. Amano (Nagoya, Nagoya University), 1-23.

Chomsky, Noam.1966. Cartesian Linguistics (New York, Harper & Row).

Coppock, Patrick John. 1997. “Grammar, Logic and community in science: Charles Sanders Peirce and his presuppositional classification of the sciences,” in Festschrift til Johan Arnt Myrstad i anledning 50 Aarsdagen, edited by Anita Leirfall and Thor Sandmel (Trondheim, Tapir), 27-82. Online at Myrstad/ ArntPJC_ToC.html.

Coppock, Patrick John. 2005. “Systemic Functional Linguistics, Semiotics and Philosophy of Organism: Part of the same project?” in Semiotics from the North: Nordic approaches to systemic functional linguistics, edited by Kjell Lars Berge and Eva Maagerø, Eva (Oslo, Novus Press), 23-34.

Damasio, Antonio. 2000. The Feeling of what Happens (London, Vintage).

de Saussure, F. 1974 [1915]. Course in General Linguistics, translated by W. Baskin (London, Fontana/Collins).

Eco, Umberto 1979 [1976]. A Theory of Semiotics (Indianapolis, Indiana University Press).

Eco, Umberto 1984. The Role of the Reader (Indianapolis, Indiana University Press).

Eco, Umberto 1991 [1984]. Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language (London, Macmillan).

Eco, Umberto 1994. The Limits of Interpretation (Indianapolis, Indiana University Press).

Eco, Umberto 2000. Kant and the Platypus: Essays on Language and Cognition (London, Random House).

Eco, Umberto 2004. “Para peri epi, e dintorni in un falso del XVII Secolo,” Paratesto, 1, 137-44.

Eco, Umberto, M. Santambrogio, and P. Violi (eds.) 1988. Meaning and Mental Representations (Bloomington, Indiana University Press).

Firth, J. R. 1957a [1948]. “Sounds and prosodies,” in Papers in Linguistics 1934-1951 (London, Oxford University Press), 121-28.

Firth, J. R. 1957b [1948]. “The semantics of linguistic science,” in Papers in Linguistics 1934-1951 (London, Oxford University Press), 139-47.

Firth, J. R. 1957c [1950]. “Personality and language in society,” in Papers in Linguistics 1934-1951 (London, Oxford University Press), 177-89.

Firth, J. R. 1957d [1951]. “Modes of meaning,” Papers in Linguistics 1934-1951 (London, Oxford University Press), 190-215.

Firth, J. R. 1968 [1959]. “The treatment of language in general linguistics,” in Selected Papers of J. R. Firth 1952-59, edited by F.R. Palmer (London, Longmans), 206-209.

Firth, J. R. 1968. “Linguistic analysis as a study of meaning,” in Selected Papers of J. R. Firth 1952-59, edited by F.R. Palmer (London, Longman), 12-26.

Firth, John Rupert. 1957. Papers in Linguistics 1934-1951 (London, Oxford University Press).

Fortescue, Michael. 2001. Pattern and Process. A Whiteheadian Perspective on Linguistics (Amsterdam and Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing).

Fortescue, Michael. 2003. “The pattern and process of language in use: A test case,” in Process Theories, Cross-Disciplinary Studies in Dynamic Categories, edited by in Johanna Seibt (Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic), 177-218.

Fortescue, Michael. 2006. “The non-linear nature of linguistic change,” in Competing models of linguistic change, edited by Ole Nedegaard Thomsen (Amsterdam, John Benjamins), 17-31.

Fortescue, Michael. 2007a. “The non-linearity of speech production,” in Structural-functional Studies in English Grammar, edited by Mike Hannay & Gerard J. Steen (Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins), 337-351.

Fortescue, Michael. 2007b. “How to catch a mental model by the tale,” Acta Linguistics Hafniensia 39, 125-152.

Fortescue, Michael. 2007c (forthcoming). “Eternal objects, figurae and memory,” in Memory and Language, edited by Cornelia Zelinsky-Wibbelt (Frankfurt, Peter Lang, SABEST).

Franklin, Stephen T. 1991. Speaking from the Depths: Alfred North Whitehead’s Hermeneutical Metaphysics of Propositions, Symbolism, Language, and Religion (Grand Rapids, MI, Eerdmans).

Gallie, Walter Bryce. 1952. Peirce and Pragmatism (Harmondsworth, Penguin Books).

Glaser, B. G., and A.L. Strauss. 1967. The Discovery of Grounded Research: Strategies for qualitative research (Chicago, Aldine).

Glock, H.-J. 1996. A Wittgenstein Dictionary (Oxford, Blackwell).

Guillaume, Gustave. 1919 Le problème de l’article et sa solution dans la langue Française (Paris, Hachète).

Guillaume, Gustave. 1929. Temps et verbe (Paris, Champion).

Guillaume, Gustave. Leçons de linguistique de Gustave Guillaume, 19ab-19a (b+1), edited by R. Valin, W. Hirtle et A. Joly (Québec, Presses de l’Université de Laval; Lille, Presses universitaires de Lille). These lecture notes are now available online at

Guillaume, Gustave. Principes de linguistique théorique de Gustave Guillaume, unedited texts prepared by Roch Valin (Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval).

Halliday, M. A. K. 1969. “Options and functions in the English clause,” Brno Studies in English, 8, 81-88.

Halliday, M. A. K. 1992. “A systemic interpretation of Peking syllable finals,” Studies in Systemic Phonology, edited by P. Tench (London & New York, Pinter).

Halliday, M. A. K. 1993. “On the language of physical science,” in Writing Science: Literacy and Discursive Power, edited by M. A. K. Halliday and J. R. Martin (London, The Falmer Press), 162-77.

Halliday, M. A. K. 1998. “Things and relations: regrammaticalising experience as technical knowledge,” in Reading Science: Critical and functional perspectives on discourses of science, edited by J.R. Martin and R. Veel (London, Routledge), 185-235.

Halliday, M. A. K. 2002 [1984]. “On the ineffability of grammatical categories,” in On Grammar: Collected Works of M. A. K. Halliday, Vol. 1, edited by J.J. Webster (London, Continuum).

Halliday, M. A. K., and R. Hasan. 1976. Cohesion in English (London, Longman).

Hausman, Carl R. 1993. Charles S. Peirce’s Evolutionary Philosophy (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press).

Hirthe, Walter H. 1975. Time, Aspect and the Verb (Québec, Presses Université Laval-Québec).

Holmes, O. W. 1899. “The theory of legal interpretation,” Harvard Law Review, 12, 6.

Houser, Nathan & Christian Kloesel (eds.). 1992. The Essential Peirce. Selected Philosophical Writings. Volumes 1-2 (1867-1893) (Indianapolis, Indiana University Press).

Humboldt, Wilhelm von. 1988. The diversity of human language structure and its influence on the mental development of mankind (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press). [Original German version 1876-1880]

Hurley, Patrick. 1985. “Time in the earlier and Later Whitehead,” in Physics and the Ultimate Significance of Time, edited by David R. Griffin (Albany, SUNY Press).

Kress, G., and T. van Leeuwen. 1996. Reading Images: The grammar of visual design (London & New York, Routledge).

Lamb, S. M. 1970. “Linguistic and cognitive networks,” in Cognition: A multiple view, edited by P. Garvin (New York, Spartan).

Lamb, S. M. 1999. Pathways of the Brain: The neurocognitive basis of language (Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins).

Leakey, R. 1995. The Origin of Humankind (London, Phoenix).

Leirfall, Anita & Sandmel, Thor (eds.) 1997. Festschrift til Johan Arnt Myrstad i anledning 50 Aarsdagen (Trondheim, Tapir).

Lewontin, R., S. Rose, and L.J. Kamin 1984. Not In Our Genes: Biology, ideology and human nature (New York, Pantheon).

Mackenzie, J. Lachlan., and María de los Ángeles Gómez-González (eds.) 2004. A New Architecture for Functional Grammar (Berlin & New York, Mouton de Gruyter).

MacWhinney, B. 1999. The Emergence of Language (New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum).

Masterman, M. 2005. Language, Cohesion and Form, edited with Introduction by Y. Wilks (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press).

Melrose, R. 1996. The Margins of Meaning: Arguments for a postmodern approach to language and text (Amsterdam, Rodopi).

Noble, W., and I. Davidson. 1996. Human Evolution, Language and Mind: A psychological and archaelogical enquiry (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press).

O’ Toole, M. 1989. “Semiotic systems in painting and poetry,” in A Festschrift for Dennis Ward, edited by C. Poke, R. Russell and M. Falchikov (Nottingham, Astra Press).

O’ Toole, M. 1994. The Language of Displayed Art (London, Leicester University Press).

O’ Toole, M. 1995. “A systemic-functional semiotics of art,” in Discourse in Society: Systemic-functional perspectives, edited by P.H. Fries and M. Gregory (Norwood NJ, Ablex).

O’Halloran, K. (ed.). 2004. Multimodal Discourse Analysis: Systemic functional perspectives ( London & New York, Continuum).

Parker, Kelly A. 1998. The Continuity of Peirce’s Thought (Nashville and London, Vanderbilt University Press)

Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1931-35. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, Vols. 1–6, edited by Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss (Cambridge MA, Harvard University Press).

Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1958. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, Vols. 7–8, edited by Arthur W. Burks (Cambridge MA, Harvard University Press).

Pinker, Steven. 2005. “So how does the mind work?” Mind and Language, 20, 1, 1-24.

Potter, Vincent G. 1997. Charles S. Peirce On Norms and Ideals (New York, Fordham University Press).

Reichenbach, Hans. 1947. Element of Symbolic Logic (New York, Macmillan).

Robinson, Abraham. 1996 [1961]. Non-standard Analysis (Princeton, Princeton University Press).

Sapir, E. 1970 [1921]. Language. An introduction to the study of speech (London, Rupert Hart-Davis).

Schwer, R. Sylviane. 2002. “S-arrangements avec répétitions,” Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences de Paris, Série I 334 261-66.

Schwer, R. Sylviane. Forthcoming. Traitement de la Temporalité des Discours: une Analysis Situs (Cahiers Chronos).

Searle, John. 1969. Speech Acts: An essay in the philosophy of language (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press).

Stewart, D. B. 2002. The Making of a Modern Japanese Architecture: From the founders to Shinohara and Isozaki (Tokyo, Kodansha International).

Tench, P. 1992. “From prosodic analysis to systemic phonology,” in Studies in Systemic Phonology, edited by P. Tench (London & New York, Pinter).

Wáng, L. 1936. Zhongguó Yinyùnxué [Chinese Phonological Theory] (Shanghai, Commercial Press).

Weber, Michel. 2005. “Créativité et réversion conceptuelle,” Chromatikon annuaire de la philosophie en procès (Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain), 159-74.

Whorf, B. 1956. Language, Thought, and Reality: Selected writings (Cambridge MA, MIT Press).

Reference websites

Perseus Digital Library (Metaphysics):

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:

Arisbe—The Peirce Gateway:

The Peirce Edition Project:

Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia:

The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive:

Simon Fraser University: School of Engineering Science: